Fitness for the Busy Family

Fitness for Busy Families. Fitness for Moms. Fitness with Kids.

The word is out how important fitness is for our bodies and mind. We know we should exercise, but sometimes it feels impossible to squeeze yet one more to-do item in our days. Fitness for the busy family is usually one of the first items to go. Fitness for Busy Families. Fitness for Moms. Fitness with Kids.

Fitness for Busy Families. Fitness for Moms. Fitness with Kids.

Who has time to work all day, pick up kids, go to the gym, spend an hour doing grueling exercises that you really don’t enjoy? I know I don’t. This was my usual routine for quite some time. Exercise helps clear my mind, improves my mood, changes my body, and allows me to show up like the mom I want to be. BUT, my routine was broken. It equaled more stress than a stress reliever.

I was talking to a friend, expressing my frustrations about being consistent. One of the reasons I was struggling was because I didn’t enjoy the exercise. My goals were unrealistic. And I was completely BORED! Being dedicated to something that no longer serves you is a waste of energy. An hour per day is too much to fit in my schedule. A few days is fine, but not every day. Consistent does not mean doing the same exercises day in and day out. Funny enough, your body responds better when you mix things up. It means get your booty moving on a regular basis.

I also gave myself permission to do different things. I was so headstrong about meeting the “traditional” fitness goals that I lost sight of the whole point. It is about moving your body, having fun, loving the body you have right now, and feeling strong. For some people, that is the gym. But that isn’t the only option. My journey to fitness started with Zumba (which I still enjoy), then I did the Insanity program, T25, Turbo Fire, running, the traditional gym (including boot camp and spin classes), and now I am trying a different program…my program…with variety and flexibility.

I really didn’t like picking up my babies from school and then putting them back in childcare at the gym. I tried the early morning workout, but I would just sandbag myself and never push harder. My home workouts were waking up my youngest and the gym was sensory overload that early. Why can’t they participate with me? They can do some of the easier videos in my collection. Even if not, it is so funny to watch their efforts and it keeps me motivated (not to mention accountable). We have so much fun doing them together. Some days I let them choose the program because it also teaches them the value of fitness and we still get to spend time together.

The best accountability partners are young kids. They have no problem bugging you about if you did your workout. They will ask you a thousand questions about it. Just try it. 🙂

Here are some other, simple ways to incorporate fitness as a family:

Have a dance party! Crank that music up and dance like crazy for fifteen minutes. You will burn so many calories and have a blast.

Ride bikes together. We are starting to do this more. I have never been much of a fan of bike rides as an adult, but I have enjoyed participating with the kiddos.

Take a nature walk. This is my daughter’s favorite. Walk together and take time to appreciate what is around you. Look for flowers, birds, cool sticks, or whatever catches your eye. You can do this in your neighborhood, a park, a playground, anywhere!

If you have small kids, use them as your weights. Pick them up over your head, bench press them, lay them on your legs and do a leg lift, let them sit on your foot and walk around the house with them, let them sit on your back when you do a push-up. It is a blast for your kiddo and you also get to play at the same time. That is a win on both sides!

Sign up for a fun 5K. Do a color run or night glow. Signing up for a race puts some “skin in the game”. There is something about paying for that race that makes you push just a little more. You can train together. Even if you walk most of the race, who cares? Just put in the work and had FUN in the process.

Get on the trampoline with them. I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun it is to jump on the trampoline with my kids. We giggle the entire time and my face hurts from smiling. The next morning I realize how much of a workout that really can be.

Go to the park together.  You can walk around the play area while they play.  You can even dive in and play too! Get on that swing, chase those kids in a game of tag, do Hopscotch or Foursquare, jump rope.  Teach them the games you played outside growing up.  I am looking forward to teaching mine capture the flag!

YouTube. There are so many free exercise videos available so try some. Let your littles choose. Find someone who speaks to you and motivates you. You could even do Beachbody on Demand free for 30 days and find a program you enjoy. (I am in no way affiliated with Beachbody. I just like their programs.)

Their sport. If your kids are older, let them teach you their sport. If they play baseball, throw the ball with them; for soccer, let them teach you some basic skills. For golf, karate, football, color guard, dance, get involved. Let them teach you. It will be a really cool experience both ways.

How does your family do fitness? Add it to the comments below or come over to the Facebook Community.  It is never too late to start. Just get out there and get moving! Fitness can be fun, and it should be. Find what makes you motivated. Find your “why”.


**I am not a fitness expert. I am just a person who has an opinion and personal experience to share. Don’t exercise beyond your fitness level and injure yourself.

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2 Responses

  1. Molly says:

    I love this!! Last week as I was doing a home workout with pushups, my 1 year old crawled over and laid flat on her stomach laughing at me mimicking me! It was a sweet & funny memory!